The thing that makes the Container Club special is its platform. The platform is what makes it possible for people to gather together, openly discuss and vet a product idea, and then make the payment as a participant in a whole container of goods. The Platform is set up in four different areas:
- Open forum:
This chat area is where all members can congregate and discuss the possibility of putting together a chat room for a specific purpose (purchase of some clothing for example). This area is where ideas fly fast and furious in general terms. This is not the place to get into specifics; it is a place for the organization of groups of people that are interested in a certain area (industry) of products. So, for instance, when people discuss the idea of purchasing toys, they will then ask the admin to create a “Toy” Mastermind chatroom and then move the conversation to that chat area.
- Mastermind Chat forum:
This area is open to a specific number of people on a first come, first serve basis. This is the area where people should get into an open discussion on the specifics of a product. It is the chat room where a group, of say 40 people, will decide what product within the toy industry they are going to purchase. All Mastermind chat groups have a 30-day or less lifespan. This means that the group has up to 30 days to make a decision on the product they want to purchase. While there may be 40 people (or more) in this group, not all will participate in the purchase of the container. Once the decision is made on what product specifically the Mastermind group wants to purchase, then RBM Sourcing finds the manufacturer and makes the offer by creating the Purchase group chat created by admin. A person is able to get into the purchase group chat by paying the fee that will be their portion of the container. This is done on a first come/first serve basis. Therefore, maybe 20 of the original 40 will become part of the purchase group chat room and move to the next chat area. There will be many Mastermind chat groups open at one time. Join in as many as you like.
- Purchase group chat: This chat area is where all the updates on locating a factory, vetting, inspections, payments, and shipping are posted. Typical time to locate and vet a factory, then get an order completed, is 60 days. It could be shorter, but we always allow 60 days for the order to be completed after the specific product chatroom has been created and fully funded. It could be longer depending on many factors or it could be shorter
because we may already have a trusted factory we have worked with in the past and that would shorten the timeline considerably. Once production of the order is finished, it is immediately shipped to the port of Los Angeles. RBM Sourcing will the importer of record. Each purchaser is responsible for getting their portion of the container from The Port of Los Angeles to the final destination of their choice.
- The Tips and Tricks Chat group: This chat room is for the purpose of sharing tips and tricks that others in the club may find useful. We don’t expect for people to give up all their secrets, however, being a good person and helping others pays off in spades. Some members may post questions and other members can help answer questions. This area is not monitored by admin to answer questions, it is member driven.
This is NOT Direct shipment to Amazon. The logistics of doing SKU’s for 20 or more sellers would make the price go through the roof. You will be getting the product at a low enough cost to compensate you for your time and cost of shipping the product to your own home/office and then taking care of the listing/ASIN/SKU assignment yourself. (The other option is to hire an Amazon FBA third party processor for this task. Again, the price you will get will be low enough to compensate for the added costs. We are looking into offering this service at a later date.) Then you ship the product into FBA as you would a normal shipment. The only difference is that you will have paid MUCH MUCH less for the product overall.
This is NOT Multiple product lines per container (unless it is different styles of the same product – like say coats, but not Jackets, and shirts). We will not put multiple types of product in one container and ship LCL. This would destroy any price advantage we may get by purchasing volume. We will purchase one product line per container.
This is NOT Branded products – This will not be a purchase of branded products UNLESS THE MASTERMIND GROUP was formed for that purpose. In other words, we will be buying products that we are allowed to sell, with permission from the manufacturer, under any brand name we care to use.
We will not purchase “Knock off” product or any counterfeits. If a mastermind group wants to purchase a certain “SONY” brand headset, then that can be arranged, but it must be a special group. In order to do this, we will have to provide letters of product purchase from Sony to give to Amazon so that each member of that Mastermind Container Group will not have their ASIN and Listing removed from Amazon as a restricted/gated or private branded product.
This is NOT Specialized or modified product- We will not be ordering a specialized or modified product UNLESS THE MASTERMIND GROUP WAS CREATED FOR THIS SPECIFIC PURPOSE. The idea is to sell products that are readily available. Creating your own product or even manufacturing a modified product takes time and money that could be better spent on things that sell quickly when priced right. We are not getting into the product development business. The model is to get in, sell fast, and get out… unless there is such a high demand that it warrants modifying the product and re-ordering. If that is the case, then the original purchase chatroom team will have first rights to re-order. The purpose of the Container Club is to provide you with a “bread and butter” product you can make money on as a result of volume discounts. This allows you to work on your special branded product while you are making money from the basic products of other categories.
Steps to success with the Container Club
1. Become a member – by becoming a member of the Container Club, you are banding together with like-minded people. These are people who are already selling on Amazon. Some with very successful brands. Gone are the days of every man for himself as the new crowd-sourcing model is here now! Instead of fighting for pricing, you will join forces and collaborate with others who are looking to work together to get the best price possible.
2. Join a Master Mind team– The purpose of the mastermind team is to create an atmosphere of openness and team spirit in deciding what product to order. This is not a group for “finding your motivation” or “getting stoked” or some other nonsense. There is enough of that going around. The team is strictly business (although it is fun business) with a very specific goal. Everyone has something they can contribute to the mastermind team no matter how small or crazy they think it may be. From the most experienced to the new entrepreneur all suggestions are considered and decided upon as a team. This does not mean that you sit back and do nothing. Everyone on the team should be searching, suggesting and evaluating.. then adding the information to the mind storm. This is a fast-paced process because the mastermind team has 30 days to complete its task-Decide on a product!
3. Participate in a product purchase group- Once a product has been decided upon by the mastermind team, there is an offer given to the mastermind team that made the decision. The first “X” number of people that join the Product Purchase team for that product are in! Others are not allowed to go buy the product on their own. Violation of this rule will be grounds for immediate termination of your membership. After the product has been chosen and paid for, the team at RBM Sourcing takes over and locates the right manufacturer. Their staff will make all inquiries in regards to past manufacturing performance and product delivery. They will negotiate the best price possible.

4. Product purchased and shipped to port. The team at RBM Sourcing will do all inspection and follow the project up until it is sealed into the container. Logistics is key to any dealings with importing products and RBM Sourcing has the best logistics team in the business. All actions are tracked and recorded in real time. As the shipment moves from factory to port, updates will be made to the purchase team chat.
5. Sell your amazingly discounted product and make Cash!. – When the product arrives in the port of LA or Long Beach, California, then it is your turn to move the product to your distribution channels. Be it Amazon FBA, eBay, Etsy or a brick and mortar store, you want to move it fast and sell it fast. In the future, we will be contracting with a product processing company to handle movement from port to FBA or other channels.
Make the decision to getting the best pricing on all your products!
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